
Tamara Celeste, Studio Founder


Tamara is deeply committed to fulfilling her mission to offer guidance and support on the journey towards physical fitness, personal development and spiritual liberation.

As a comprehensively certified Pilates instructor, she uses the Pilates principles as a foundation upon which to teach the skills of self-regulation, self-exploration and self-empowerment. She skillfully blends her experience as a sports psychologist, yoga instructor, spiritual teacher and energy healer into each of her sessions.


As an Aquarian, it’s in her nature to be of service to her community. Once she noticed students hitting a plateau in their progression, she knew a breakthrough would happen by guiding them deeper into their bodies. She created the Subtle Body Pilates™ method as a way to help students progress in their pilates practice by releasing the mental and emotional energies that were keeping their bodies stuck in unhelpful patterns of movement.

Her approach to Pilates is trauma-informed, research-based, and skillfully executed. Her mind-body approach increases strength, flexibility, balance and alignment, while empowering students with the skills they need to move confidently through life.


A native of Akron, OH, Tamara was raised by a long line of energy healers who initiated her into the healing arts of reiki, mantra, and transcendental meditation as a path to recalibrate the nervous-system and re-balance the body. Her interests expanded into the realms of psychology, consciousness, plant medicine, neuroscience and bioenergetics. A life-long student of the intimate connection between mind, body and soul, her authentic commitment to embodying this knowledge sets the foundation for her teaching.

B.S. Public Relations, University of Florida

M.S. Positive Psychology, LIFE University

Comprehensive Pilates Instructor (500 hr), Be Well Studio

Certified Instinctive Meditation Teacher, Radiance Sutras School of Meditation

Certified Neuro-Linguisitc Programming practitioner, Atlanta NLP Center